We all need mobility and portability for our numerous files and data. So where do we store it? obviously on the web!! Most advantageous thing? access them from anywhere in the world, plus it looks too cool to do it…Here we present to you the best of the online desktops existing.
1. Windows MESH
This service is by Microsoft. here you can save your files in customizable folders in the online desktop. it also provides you a desktop client which provides a very remarkable feature, that’s synchronization! Yes, you can synchronize your web desktop with a specific folder on your local hard drive. while offline, just paste files into your folder and the desktop client, on finding an internet connection will automatically upload it to the online desktop, keeping it synchronized!
2. G.ho.st.com
One of the best and cool looking web desktops we found is g.ho.st.com. Again all you need is a web browser. It has a bulk uploader for mass uploading of files at once. it also flaunts cool gadgets as you have in your windows system. it provides various cool features such as, Zoho Writer, Zoho sheet, online games and many others.
It provides 15 Gb of free webspace and fires up pretty quickly in your browser. quite useful.
3. Eyeos
This is another choice that provides similar functionality. It has been there since quite some time now. This is again a web based system that can be easily used synchronize in schools and colleges. Each student having a personal desktop and able store personal files. Eyeos is under constant improvement.
4. Glide OS
Glide OS offers a free account and has 20GB of storage and up to 6 different users. It offers a lot of the same functionality of G.ho.st with their own unique interface and other features.There are different available office features that allow you to create documents and presentations and collaborate with others as well.
Another feature rich and useful tool.
Advantages of a Web OS are there is nothing to install, no Antivirus to worry with, and files and documents are available anywhere you have a web connection. Also you don’t need to worry a whole lot about a machines specs, but rather the speed of your Internet connection. There are a many online operating systems to choose and each one has different features. You might want to try each of them out to find the one that suites your needs. If you’re constantly moving from computer to computer to get work done, you may want to check out a Web OS. If nothing else, they are geeky and fun to play with.